Part Number: LINUXDVSDK-OMAP3530 Tool/software: Linux Hi
i was trying to build the vision SDK for video capture and Display use -case .
i follow all the steps mentions into the vision SDK (V03.06.00) Linux User Guide.
but when i try to build the vision…
Hello Micha,
Here are the OMAP3530 software releases that I am aware of from TI: https://software…
Hello Kevin,
Please note that OMAP3530 has no design support as per the product page. We will be unable to test any of the software, and most of the software documentation has been removed from the web. In general, if you are removing memory from the system…
Hi Vijay,
If you are running Linux on the ARM and SYS/BIOS on the DSP, you can use SysLink for communication between the Arm and the DSP. Here is a link to the SysLink user's guide that will give you an overview:…
Hi Rudy,
I recommend you to use the DVSDK but should pay attention on the revision of your board:
If you are using BeagleBoard it is based on the omap3530 processor and the following release is suitable for you:…
Hi Fengyong,
If the description and information from links at referent topic doesn't solves your issue
You could download the last version of the DVSDK v4.01 for omap3530…
Hi gzz,
As you see the kernel version is different - 2.6.32 in dvsdk4.0.1 and 2.6.37 in dvsdk4.0.3
There are applied some patches in the last dvsdk version.The dvsdk4.0.3 officially does not supports OMAP35x processors.
You could read about features…
Hello Victor,
DSPLink is part of DVSDK of OMAP3530. You can download the dvsdk here: . Please let us know if you have trouble downloading the dvsdk.