Part Number: LM2903 Tool/software: Hi, has anyone ever encountered a 6-pin configuration of LM2903 with the package marking "L98" before?
What is the normal package markings on the LM2903 supposed to look like? Thanks.
Part Number: LM2903-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2903 , LM339 Tool/software: Hi TI,
I am using LM2903QPWRQ1 for my application.
Please confirm following understanding from above specification is correct.
1) When these comparators are used Vcc…
Part Number: LM2903-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2903 , LM2903B-Q1 Tool/software: Hello,
(1) What's the meaning of underdrive and overdrive and different values mean?
(2) If we want to caculate the overvoltage accarancy, and use LM2903 as an…
Part Number: LM2903 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM393 Tool/software: Hii Team,
We have designed a window comparator circuit for SC protection using LM393, but we want to use LM2903 as an alternate part. The problem is when we use LM2903, it gets…
Part Number: LM2902BA-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM2903-Q1 , Tool/software: Team,
Customer would like to understand the comaprison table for LM2902BA-Q1 vs LM2903-Q1. May you help to check and advise? Thanks.
Part Number: LM2903 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM339 Tool/software: Hello,
As per LM2903AV datasheet: Sink current shows 6mA.
Please provide the Max sink current of this IC.
Part Number: LM2903 Tool/software: Hi,
I want to know the part number of IC marking "OC TI MAP" in the picture below.
I found that this part may be LM2903, but when I checked pin 4 of this IC in the picture is not a Ground pin like LM2903…
Part Number: LM2903 Tool/software: Hello,
can you please let me know what is the exact meaning of the top marking on this device? for example 2CTI or 32TI.
Thank you
Part Number: LM2903 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM339 Tool/software: Hi,
I have a question about the operation of the LM2903 near VCC rating.
I would like to share the schematic and waveform information, so is it possible to communicate via private…