Part Number: LMH6626 Tool/software: Dear TI engineers:
I designed an amplifier circuit with LMH6626, the schematic diagram is shown below.
The theoretical gain should be 100 times, but in the actual test the gain is only about 12 times, which is so…
Part Number: LMH6626 Tool/software: Hello TI engineers:
I built a 128 channel amplifier circuit with 64 pieces of LMH6626 with 20 layers of PCB. I want to use this circuit to amplify uV signals to mV level.During the test, I found that even if the output…
Part Number: LMH6626 In my circuit, the amplifier will operate under 5 and -5V. With the circuit below:
I wonder what is the load in this case? I know for AC, it is 25, but for DC it is infinity. The below data sheets also shows +-6V operating condition…
Part Number: LMH6626 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH6624 Hello,
I want to use LMH6626 (dual channels) instead of two LMH6624 (single channel) in TINA/Pspice. However, only the spice model of LMH6624 is available in TINA. Would you please be able…
Part Number: LMH6626 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2846 I am using LMH6626 in non-inverting mode with Rf=690R and Rg=84R for a gain value of 9.52. I am building the circuit by taking the reference from the datasheet, but the out is not stable throughout…
Part Number: LMH6626 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , , LMH6624 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models Hello,
I downloaded the LMH6626 Spice model from the And I extracted the zip file. I could not found the LMH6626 Spice model and I just…
Part Number: LMH6626 With the following schematic and layout I am seeing oscillation around 80 MHz, particularly when the SMA connector at BB_IN does not have any thing connected to it (an input signal or termination usually stops the oscillation, but…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2822 , THS4222 , LMH6654 , LMH6626 , THS4031 , TINA-TI , THS4631 , OPA2354 , LMH6619 , OPA2890 , THS4221 Hi friends:
I need some amplifier to build up the signal modulation for the DCR sensing for the VR application. In my…
Hello Samir and Mickey,
You could also consider the LMH6624 / LMH6626 which says the following on its front page:
" Improved Replacement for the CLC425 (LMH6624)"
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDC1000 , TDC7200 , LMH6626 Hi every body, the good news first. I got the USB example driver installed on Windows 7. After three hard days troubleshooting, I learned more about windows than the last 10 years before. Now I…