Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV793 , OPA322 Hello guys,
One of our big customer wants to register LMV793 as their company internal official parts to use the device for their many products.
Also they need the following characteristics data for the registration…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV793 , LMV791 Hello guys,
My customer is checking LMV793 datasheet to adopt this device for their products.
Then they found one strange parameter value in the absolute maximum rating table. The datasheet says that Vin differential…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV793 I am looking to find out if the LMV793 can be used as a current to voltage translator. My criteria is:
0 to 1.8V
10uA current drive when on
0uA when off
I attached your document that shows the circuit. The…
Part Number: OPA365 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV793 , SM73302 , OPA607 , OPA863 Hi team,
May I know if we have p2p replacement for OPA365AIDBVR or OPA365AQDBVRQ1? Customer is using OPA365 Q and non-Q part but facing supply shortage. I'm checking on…
Part Number: OPA365 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , LMV793 , OPA607 , LMP7717 , Also, could someone from TI provide me with an update on lead times/stocking levels at TI and distys for OPA365AIDBVT.
Part Number: OPA365-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA365 , OPA365-EP , LMV793 , OPA607 , LMP7717 , OPA354 Hello,
Is the OPAx365-Q1 equivalent to the OPA365 except the OPAx365-Q1 is qualified for automotive?
We have used the OPA365 with excellent results…
Hi Rohit,
Again, thank you very much for all the answers, I think to go in this direction, with a LMV793 as buffer and two LMV794 for gain and filtering ...
Let me know if anything...
A big thank you for everything!
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV793 As we learnt that op amp LMV793 (tansimpedence amplifier) can amplify small range of currents of order nA to the voltages of the range in mV. The problem is that when an input of 208nA is given to input of LMV793…
Hi Neill, I recommend an Op Amp with the following characteristics: 1. Low noise voltage (less than 6nV/RtHz) 2. Very low (to negligible) input bias current (CMOS input), which also minimizes noise current 3. Rail to Rail output (for near 5Vpp output…