Part Number: LPV358-N Tool/software: Hi, team Could you please tell me the Min. height of VSSOP package (DKG)? The Max. height is described as 1.1 mm. What about the Min.?
Best regards, Tomoya
Part Number: LPV358-N We have seen many kinds of logos on marking by your company. The logos purchased for this model before were the square marks on the change file, but the logos on the physical pictures of the goods delivered this time are the logos…
Part Number: LPV358-N Hi, sir
the inserted file is my application for opa LPV358-N
What I need are a 0V-2V voltage for positve bias for back gate circuit and a -2V-0V voltage for negative bias for back gate circuit.
firstly, I use the trim-pot or digital…