Part Number: OPA2320 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2330 Hi team,
I have designed a OPA2330 circuit in the attach. When I simulate it as below
Q1: I set the reference is 2.048V, Why does it display 2.05V? How to change it to display to 2.048V?
Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 hello team
Reffered to the datasheet of OPA2320-Q1, if use dual-supply, recommend range is ±0.9V to ±2.75V;
Is it ok for me to use asymmetrical power supply such as +3.3 for V+, and -2.1V for V-, still in Vs range…
Part Number: OPA2320 Dear all,
our customer is facing some issues, where I would need some help:
"The problem with the opamp that we have is an offset voltage at the output when the differential input is short-circuited. This means that for example when…
Part Number: OPA2320 Hi,
the open loop output impedance of the OPA2320 is 90 Ohms at 1 MHz. In the data sheet, there is also a curve that shows Output Voltage Swing versus Output current. Any give point on the curve indicates a much lower Zo than the…
Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2320 , OPA320
Hello All,
I am using OPA2320 opamp for the current sense application.Is the spice model provided by TI has temperature model in built?since i am not seeing any output difference…
Part Number: OPA2320 Hi team,
The schematic as follows, AD8539 is replaced by OPA2320. The circuit is used to measure current IB+.
The problem is that when zero input, the output can be observed as following picture:
I wonder why the output can look…
Part Number: ADS1278EVM-PDK Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1278 , ADS127L11 , TIDA-010249 , OPA4187 , OPA2320 , TLV61046 Tool/software: I noticed that the ADS1278 can be applied to sound signal and vibration signal acquisition, but I didn't notice that…
Part Number: OPA2320
Page4 says: " In order to utilize the maximum input dynamic range of ADC, this sensed differential voltage ( shunt V ) signal needs to be amplified and adjusted to meet the ADC input requirement. This requires a precision…
Part Number: OPA2320-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI , , OPA2320 Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models In TI spice model zip file.The spice model for OPA2320-Q1 part is not available.please provide spcie model
Part Number: OPA2320 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2380 , Hi Team,
My customer was use OPA2380 and looking for better noise performance.
Now they use OPA2320 to do testing, and set it up as differential amplifier, gain is 33. The input signal is 50mV…