Hi Giuseppe,
Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for your interest in SORTE_G protocol.
At the moment the source code for SORTE_G on AM243x/AM64x is not available for download, it exists as an internal demonstrator.
We have already documented SORTE (100Mbit…
The details of SORT slave test is described in the TI design www.ti.com/.../tidep-0086 and SORTE MASTER at www.ti.com/.../tidep-0085.
The README files in the pdk_am57xx_1_0_10\packages\ti\drv\pruss\example\apps\sorte\firmware\src\master and slave…
The latest PDK for AM437x is version 1.0.6 from Processor SDK 3.3, and we have SORTE ( www.ti.com/.../TIDEP-0086 ) example protocol support for PRU-ICSS (AM3, AM4) added in the release. From the release note ( processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php )…
Hi Jim,
as a start you may have a look at this: www.ti.com/.../tidep-0086
The full material is not released yet but a full demo was shown at last years SPS/Drives fair in Germany.
It is an approach to deviate from standard TCP/UDP packets and use ICSS…
Hi Mark
While you wait for additional releases and TI Designs . I hope you have already sieved through the existing TI Designs
This also has links to other relevant TI Designs on SORTE.
Additionally if you are new to Sitara…
Hi Mahesh If you wish to develop and download PRU-ICSS code and not simply download a prebuilt PRU code - please consider the following : There is a general web page for PRU-ICSS information. This is at processors.wiki.ti.com/.../PRU-ICSS For Processor…