Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC555 Tool/software: I designed a circuit using a TLC555 timer. Trigger input connect 5V(fault detect signal)
-> When a fault occurs (5V->0), a trigger is generated, and when FLT is restored (0…
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Tool/software: I want to design circuit with 2 seconds delay in output waveform change compared to input waveform change and I am considering using TLC555-Q1.
However, datasheet seems to assume input waveform is square waveform…
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC3555-Q1 , , TLC555 Tool/software: Hi,
My costumer is asking for an EVM for this device for evaluation.
I see that there is no EVM available for this device but there is one EVM for the TLC3555…
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Tool/software: Dear TI experts,
My customer considers TLC555-Q1 for new project.
the concept is as below ;
1. The input na applied to TRIG pin. It is normally high, and falls to low when the system is into fault condition.
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC555 , , TLC3555-Q1 Tool/software: Hello, I'm calculating the current consumption for the power supply connected to VCC of TLC555.
Looking at the TLC555 datasheet, it shows Icc is 700uA at…
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Tool/software: Hello, The thermal resistance of the latest datasheet (slfs078c) is higher than that of the previous datasheet (slfs078b). However, “ continuous total power rating ” of the latest datasheet is also higher…
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC555 , TLC3555-Q1 ,
Hello expert,
I am using TLC555 to create a monostable trigger circuit with a delay of about 510ms: INPUT1 is the input voltage, which is 12V; INPUT2 is the trigger…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC555-Q1 , TLC555 Tool/software: Hi Teams,
I have heard from customer that they have heard from the market that there's a very low cost open loop flyback solution based on TLC555-Q1, in which TLC555-Q1 act as the pwm generator…
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: NE555 , Tool/software: Hi team,
On Revision C D/S, I saw below table. Is this typo?
Best Regards,
Part Number: TLC555-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Team, Request you to please provide Electrical Characteristics at VDD = 10 V, which will help in our design. Regards, Vamsi Bankuru