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TLV3544: Voltage output swing specification

Part Number: TLV3544

The datasheet specifies a maximum output swing from rail of 0.3 V, as shown:

Is the maximum output swing from rail equal for both the positive rail and negative rail? Or is the specification a conservative value based on the greater of the maximum output swings to the positive and negative rails?

  • Hey Matthew, 

    These curves give you more detail, looks like more headroom required off the positive supply, 

    1kohm load, 5mA sourcing at the top end max. 

  • Hi Michael,

    Thanks for pointing this out. According to the datasheet, the curves in Fig. 14 and 15 represent typical values. Perhaps unlikely, but I'm curious if TI has any similar curves or data for maximum (worst-case) swings.

  • They might, but good luck getting that, 

  • Hello Matthew,

       The output swing in the specification table is 0.1V typical and 0.3V maximum at 25C at either rail. Also over temperature (-40 to 125C) it is a max of 0.4V from either rail. As an addition to Michael's comments on the figures in the datasheet, here is the section discussing the rail output capabilities of this device: 

       We unfortunately do not have the same the claw curves at maximum swings.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Sima,

    Thanks for the reply. Generally speaking, do you know if there is any correlation between the output current and the difference (or spread) between typical and maximum swing? For example, as the output current decreases, the output can swing closer to the rails, but does this also affect the spread between typical and maximum values?

  • Hi Matthew,

    the higher the deviation from ideal behaviour, the higher the spreading.


  • Hello Matthew,

      Kai is correct, but also the way we set our maximum values is that it is a boundary for the device to be considered as a pass within that specification test. If it is above the maximum value specified in the datasheet, the device fails and is discarded. For typical values the parameter for devices population is +/- one standard deviation or ± sigma, on a Gaussian distribution. This means about 68% of the device population will be less then the typical value. 

    Thank you,