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LM7322: Input Resistance of the Amplifier

Part Number: LM7322


I designed a unity inverter with 100K resistors and got conversion factor less than -1 (the actual number was around -0.7)

1. I would like to know what is input resistance of the amplifier between pins 2,3 and 6,5

2. is it Power supply dependent?

3. According which parameters in the simulation it can be calculated?

thank you

  • Hello Michael,

    The most related parameters are Vos and IIB although neither truly affect gain. 


    How important; 5mV * IN+gain = 10mV from VOS and 2.5uA * (100k || 100k) = 125uV from IIB

    What is your common mode voltage? What is the resistance on IN+ pin?

    Please state the supply voltages used in test. Also provide the raw data table [VIN,VOUT] ; you need at least two table entries to calculate gain.