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INA232: How long for alert to assert during fault condition

Part Number: INA232


If the voltage that I am measuring across the shunt exceeds the limit that I set in register 7, how long after the ADC conversion is completed does it take for the ALERT pin to assert? Is it different depending on the polarity of the alert?

Thank you!

Best regards,

Zach Kimble

  • Hi Zach,

    The ALERT pin is asserted immediately after ADC conversion completes if the limit is exceeded. The response time doesn’t depend on the polarity. Rise or fall time depends somewhat on the pull up resistor, but its influence should be minor.

    From the time an overcurrent event occurs to the moment the ADC completes conversion, the time can be anywhere from 1x to 2x of the chosen conversion time. This information is provided in section 8.2.3 of the INA232 datasheet. Please take a look.

    Regards, Guang  

  • Thank you Guang! I have no further questions.

    Best regards,

    Zach Kimble