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INA3221: Is my understanding of how long a measurement/conversion will take correct?

Part Number: INA3221


With the AVG bits set to 0x7, VbusCT bits set to 0x7, and VshuntCT bits set to 0x7, am I correct in stating that it would take ~50.6 seconds for the chip to read the shunt and bus for all 3 channels?

(8.244ms[VbusCT]+8.244ms[VshuntCT])*1024[AVG]*3[Channels]=50.6 seconds



  • Hello Robert,

    Yes your calculation is correct. The only thing I will add is that there is some part-to-part variation in the conversion time, so the maximum conversion time you can expect will be closer to 55.7s to get data on all three channels.

    Let me know if you have any more questions,

    Levi DV