INA193A-Q1: ina193aqdbvrq1

Part Number: INA193A-Q1



question referes to ina193aqdbvrq1 which we are using in our products.

according to PCN 20250212005.2, ina193aqdbvrq1 is in the Group 2 and there is a change in Wafer probe site, Assembly /Test site

I would like to know in which FAB already ina193aqdbvrq1 is manufactured.

Is it HFTFAT or HNA or LEN or TFME? Or all of them?

If all, then does it mean ina193aqdbvrq1 can have 0.8mil bonding or 1mil bonding depending on where it was produced?

At the end I would like to know what bonding and what mold compound is used currently in order to analyze if there is a risk when switching to TIPI FAB.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your post. 

    1. Is it HFTFAT or HNA or LEN or TFME? Or all of them?

      1. It is NFME so none of the above. 
    2. If all, then does it mean ina193aqdbvrq1 can have 0.8mil bonding or 1mil bonding depending on where it was produced?

      1. Only NFME so I do not think this question applies. 
    3. At the end I would like to know what bonding and what mold compound is used currently in order to analyze if there is a risk when switching to TIPI FAB.

      1. This is the information that I can provide to you regarding the mold compound:

    You can find the mold compound information by going to the product page, then ordering and quality, and then click view or download on the Quality, reliability and packaging column. 

    I hope this helps, 


  • Thanks for the answer.

    So it means the PCN gives inaccurate information?

    As it is stated in PCN that ina193aqdbvrq1 is Group 2 device:

    And PCN states that components from Group 2 will switch to new fab location, so I thought it refers to ina193aqdbvrq1.

     NFME is not listed in PCN. Does it mean there are no changes in assembly/test site for ina193aqdbvrq1?

  • Hi Adam, 

    I will get confirmation on this and get back to you on Monday.

    Thank you for your patience,


  • Thanks,

    if possible I would like to get answer rather on email than here to have some more formal reply/answer for internal use.

  • Hello Adam,

    I do want to provide some clarification: HNFME and TFME are the same site.

    The PCN is saying that a new ASSY/TEST site is now qualified for this device.

    This means that, in the future, you could receive material that comes from the TIPI AT site.

    Now, this flow is not active yet, but it can be activated whenever.

    The PCN is the only time we inform you of changes in Mold Compound and other features.

    This all should be covered in the PPAP, which you can request.

    I hope this helps, 


  • Thanks,

    PCN for TFME is listing 2 mold compounds and 2 mount compounds:

    for example for mold compound it is SID#R-13 and SID#R-17.

    This means two of them can be used interchangably or only one, if one which one specific?

    Also do you have maybe more specific info about mold compound, specifically paramteres like here:

    Flame retardant type

    Spiral flow

    Glass transition temperature

    Thermal expansion 1

    Thermal expansion 2

    Flexural modulus

    Mold shrinkage

    Thermal conductivity

    If this can be found in PPAP, then how I can request for this?

  • Hi Adam,

    I am trying to get the answer on this for you. 

    I hope to get you a response by 3/24.

    Thank you for your patience,


  • Hi Adam,

    Please use this link to submit a PPAP request: 

    Please let me know if you run into issues.

    Best Regards,
