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Inqury regarding LMV358 Output Voltage vs.Output Sink Current

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMV358, LMV358-N, LMV712, LM8272, LM7322, TLV342, TLV4112

Hello, all

Now we are considering to use LMV358 for the replacement from AZV358.

Then would like to know the characteristic on Output Voltage vs.Output Sink Current of this device.

On the datasheet page 8 of AZV358, I could find "Figure 14. Output Voltage vs.Output Sink Current".

(the datasheet is downloadable on the website below)

However, I could not find same characteristic on the datasheet of LMV358.

The key point of this inquiry is whether LMV358 could output 25mA sink current in case of VCC=2.7V.

Please let us clarify whether this is achievable for this device.

We thank you in advance for your information.

Best regards,

  • Hello Atsushi,

    The equivalent graph to AZV358 Fig 14 is figure 8 on the LMV358-N or Fig 15 on the LMV358 datasheets.

    For the AZV358, at 25mA, the output is just under 2V from the you only have 0.7V of swing left.

    The LMV358-N most likely it will NOT sink 25mA at 2.7V. The curve flattens out at 20mA - which is the current limit. I cannot really tell where the LMV358 flattens out since the graph does not have minor divisions.

    25mA is quite a large bit of current for these low power devices. Is this a transient current requirement, or continuous?

    If you really need some output current, have a look at the TLV4112, TLV342, LMV712, LM8272 or LM7322, which is designed for high output currents.


  • Hello, thank you for your reply.

    The requirement of 25mA sink current is transient.

    We are going to select TLV342 this time.

    Best regards,