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single supply opamp or line driver

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV612

We have 0.5V RMS audio signal that we need to scale up with 2X gain to feed aux-in of amplifiers. We have 3.3V switching supply and 4.2V linear available on the board. Can anyone help us in selecting the right chip that can do this. Can DRV612 line driver with 2X gain be used? or we need to choose an op-amp? If opamp, what are the suitable opamps from TI that operate with the available single supply of 3.3V switching or 4.2V linear.


  • Have you tried posting in the Audio forum?  High speed amplifiers can be used for audio, but often the excessive bandwidth gives rise to unnecessary noise and many high speed amplifiers will have a 1/f corner that is well into the audio band.