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OPA1641 & THS4601 GBW for SVF

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA1641, OPA827, LME49860, THS4601


I have seen in one post about minimum GBW for a filter, right now I have an audio filter project base on state variable filter using LME49860 & OPA1641 or OPA827 with:

F: 665Hz - 30475Hz

Q:  0.7 - 3.3

Integrator Gain: 5

but from the post

minimum GBW requirement is so high and OPA1641 or OPA827 for the integrator  is not suitable?

And after the search THS4601 looks like a promising replacement but not designed for audio.

Can someone confirm that the calculation for GBW is valid for my application?

TI Tina tsc is attached.

Thank You.

SVF Filter.TSC
  • Hi, Temmy,

    I am going to move your post to the Precision Amplifier forum where the op amp people hang out.


  • Hi Don,

    Thank You for taking care my post.


  • Hello Temmy,

    I haven't seen anything written about the amplifier gain-bandwidth needed for a state variable filter, but I expect that it is similar to the GBW requirements for the more common Sallen-Key and Multiple Feedback topologies. You would want to use the worst case requirements; the highest Q, highest frequency, and highest gain for determining the GBW.

    Using the formula presented in the other E2E forum post:

    GBW(min) = Fn x Q x ACL x 100

    The GBW(min) for your application would be:

    GBW(min) = (30475 x 3.3 x 5 x 100) = 50 MHz

    Note that this is a conservative estimation of the GBW. You may find that amplifiers having somewhat lower GBW work satisfactorily in the application. The LME49860 would be a fine choice, but the OPA827 and OPA1641 would have too low of GBW. The bandwidth of the THS4601 is in excess of what is needed.

    Actually, I expect there may be some leeway regarding the GBW requirement of the individual stages in a state variable filter. It would depend on the bandwidth, gain and Q that each individual amplifier is serving in the filter. It would be a matter of  the calculating the GBW(min) for each stage and selecting an amplifier that supports it.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering