I'm trying to read the values off a CSLA2CD hall effect current sensor running off of a 9V regulator. The 9V regulator also drives the INA 122.
The signal off of the current sensor sits on 4.5V (no current detected) and goes up as more current passes through the device. I'm using an INA22 to try to get a differential read and then amp the signal up so I can run into my ADC (say 4.6 off the current sensor - a fixed 4.5 volts x 5G to yield a reading into the ADC of .5V). For testing I'm just using a voltage divider/pot arrangement to get the V-. And feeding the sense voltage off of the CSLA2CD into v+. I've left the gain open (e.g., 5X). But I can't get predictable results. There seems to be 10% - 20% variations on what I read vs. what I should get. I have .10uf's across inputs, etc.
I've tried running the output of the CSLA2CD into a simple voltage divider to reduce the apparent voltage level into the INA122, but that didn't improve the situation (instead of 'seeing' 4.5 V off of the current sensor, it was seeing 2.25V).
The application is for a bicycle powered generator in a kids science museum. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!!!