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THS3202 Simulation Model

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS3202

Hello altogether,

there is a problem when I try to use the simulation model of the CFA THS3202. I simulate with Altium Designer - there I got this error message:

[Fatal Error]    BasicPDAmp_THS3202_PDS5973    XSpice    Cannot find expression for gout\x_u5\xu?.

I know that the message has something to do with the sub circuit CSWIL. When I tried to simulate the same thing with TinaTI, there was no such problem. When I inspected the spice net list I saw, that there is no such sub circuit.

Can somebody please explain me what´s the problem with this model?

Thank you in advance.



  • Hello Andreas,

    It is possible that this may be a symbol creation issue in which part of the THS3202 model was cut off.  Could you verify that the following statement appears in your model?

    .SUBCKT cswil 1 2 3 4

    + PARAMS:

    + IL = 800u ;

    v1  1 2 0

    Gout 3 4 value={limit(I(v1),IL,-IL)} ;

    .ENDS cswil










  • Hello Nick,

    yes, this is the last part of the model were the error occurs. Exacly in this

    Gout 3 4 value={limit(I(v1),IL,-IL)} ;





  • Andreas,

    The limit function is most likely the problem here.  Rewrite that line as:


    Gout 3 4 I(v1);

    This may solve the issue, but it should be noted that model will no longer have the output current limit function.



  • Hello Nick,

    I tried to rewrite the line but the error occurred again. What I did is to create a message list (a html document) with the errors. Maybe this says something to you - I don´t know the problem.





  • Andreas,

    Try the following statement:

    Gout 3 4 value = {I(v1)} 

    This would ony remove the ILIMIT function but maintain the statement otherwise unchanged

  • Hello Xavier,

    unfortunately this also did not solve the problem. The error


    [Fatal Error] BasicPDAmp_THS3202_PDS5973 XSpice Cannot find expression for gout\x_u5\x_xu?. 10:41:49 25.03.2010 27

    occurred again.

    Is it possible, that I need to connect something to the separate CSWIL-model?



  • Hello again,

    when I compared my model with the model you used for TinaTI I found out, that in the two lines show different calls

    My model:

    X_U6          B VEE HIZ VEE CSWIL PARAMS: IL=3000U

    X_U5          VCC A VCC HIZ CSWIL PARAMS: IL=3000U



    X_U6          B VEE HIZ VEE A1_3202 PARAMS: IL=3000U

    X_U5          VCC A VCC HIZ A1_3202 PARAMS: IL=3000U


    The difference is  this "A1_3202" part but I haven´t found a function which uses this call.







  • Hi Andreas,

    I have been simulating with the Pspice model as my version of TINA does not have a THS3202 model embedded in it.

    From the error message, it appears that you do no have access to the CSWIL function.  I have re-written the model such that it would not need the callout.  I implemented back the LIMIT function so this may still trigger an error in which case, you want to replace

    Gout1        VCC HIZ value = {limit(I(V_v11),3000U,-3000U)}


    Gout1        VCC HIZ value = {I(V_v11)}


    .subckt ths3202 inp inn vcc vee out
    .MODEL D_break D
    + RS=1.0000E-1 CJO=1.0000E-13 IS=100e-15

    .MODEL pnp_is PNP
    + IS=10.000E-18 BF=124.36 VAF=100 IKF=.99789 ISE=10.000E-18
    + NE=1.3695 VAR=100 IKR=10.000E-3 ISC=10.000E-18 NK=1.8752 RE=1
    + RB=80 RC=10 CJE=12.000E-15 VJE=.9 MJE=.6 CJC=10.000E-15
    + MJC=.93 TF=8.0237E-12 XTF=12.990 VTF=12.704 ITF=.88449
    + TR=10.000E-9 KF=7e-14 AF=0.54

    .MODEL npn_is NPN
    + IS=10.000E-18 BF=205.81 VAF=100 IKF=.99979 ISE=19.329E-18
    + NE=1.6102 VAR=100 IKR=20.000E-3 ISC=10.000E-18 NK=1.8762
    + RE=1 RB=100 RC=10 CJE=16.000E-15 VJE=1 MJE=.4 CJC=1.6000E-15
    + TF=5.5979E-12 XTF=97.940 VTF=28.359 ITF=2.2510 TR=10.000E-9
    + AF=0.54 KF=10.5e-14

    .MODEL my_d D
    + IS=10.000E-18 RS=1.0000E-3 CJO=1.0000E-12 M=.3333 VJ=.75
    + ISR=100.00E-12 BV=100 IBV=100.00E-6 TT=5.0000E-9

    * source THS3202
    Q_Q1         VCC INP1 N00790 NPN_IS 32
    R_R7         N03087 VCC  10
    D_D2         N031571 N025972 MY_D 64
    E_E4         N16469 N16504 0 N16382 1
    Q_Q2         VEE INP1 N00761 PNP_IS 64
    R_R8         VEE N03033  10
    V_V9         N19555 VEE 1.3Vdc
    **V_V2         HIZ N02762 -4.3Vdc
    Q_Q5         N01212 N01212 A1 PNP_IS 32
    L_L3         N03266 OUT  2.1n
    V_V8         N19322 VCC -1.3Vdc
    R_R21         0 N16008  123
    R_R9         N03266 N031180  8.5
    *R_R11         0 OUT  100
    C_C1         eref HIZ  430f
    R_R1         A1 A  200
    R_R13         0 N09161  10
    C_C6         0 N16008  1p
    Q_Q7         N01642 N01642 B1 NPN_IS 32
    C_C3         N09161 INN  700f
    R_R10         N031571 N03266  8.5
    G_G1         INN_int 0 N15578 0 4m
    R_R3         B B1  200
    C_C2         0 OUT  1p
    R_R2         eref HIZ  300k
    Q_Q3         N01212 N00761 INN_int NPN_IS 32
    V_V7         INP N26257 -17mVdc
    V_v10        B VEE 0
    Gout         HIZ VEE value = {limit(I(V_v10),3000U,-3000U)}
    *X_U6         B VEE HIZ VEE CSWIL PARAMS:  IL=3000U
    R_R22         N16382 0  1.4k
    R_R20         0 N15578  1k
    Q_Q4         N01642 N00790 INN_int PNP_IS 64
    C_C7         N16382 0  700p
    I_I1         VCC N00761 DC 325uAdc
    E_E1         N03087 N025673 N02649 eref -1
    L_L4         INN INN_int  1.15n
    I_I2         N00790 VEE DC 325uAdc
    L_L7         N25506 N16504  0.2n
    D_D7         N19555 HIZ D_BREAK
    E_E2         N025972 N03033 N02762 eref 1
    R_R28         N26257 N25506  -49.8u
    **V_V1         HIZ N02649 4.3Vdc
    D_D1         N025673 N031180 MY_D 64
    C_C5         0 N15578  1f
    V_v11        VCC A 0
    Gout1        VCC HIZ value = {limit(I(V_v11),3000U,-3000U)}
    *X_U5         VCC A VCC HIZ CSWIL PARAMS:  IL=3000U
    C_C8         0 N16504  10f
    D_D6         HIZ N19322 D_BREAK
    E_E3         INP1 N16469 N16008 0 1
    E_E101       avg vee vcc vee 0.5
    E_E102       eref 0 avg 0 1
    E_E103       diff 0 vcc vee 0.5
    E_E104       lshift 0 diff ddrop 1
    V_V102       ddrop 0 0.7
    E_E105       HIZ N02649 lshift 0 1
    E_E106       HIZ N02762 lshift 0 -1

    .ENDs ths3202

  • Hello Xavier,

    obviously this wasn´t the problem as well. The error

    [Fatal Error] BasicPDAmp_THS3202_PDS5973 XSpice Cannot find expression for gout1\x_xu?. 17:05:00 26.03.2010 25

    occurred again.

    So maybe it has nothing to do with CSWIL - maybe there is a bad adjustment in Altium?!

    Best Regards


  • Hi Andreas,

    I believe G is a voltage controlled current source.  It must be a syntax issue with Altium.  If you want to send me the reference manual, I can have a look at it.  My email address is