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INA212: Can I use the INA212 Low side Bipolar input

Part Number: INA212


I want to +25mA(+15V)/-25mA(-15V) by ADC 3V(+25mA)/0V(-25mA).

I'll attach the schematic.

Please any comment if you have.


Seiji Nagao

  • Hello user4015476,

    Thanks for considering to use Texas Instruments in your design. There are two potential issues with your setup. The first is that the common mode voltage seen at IN+ and IN- must be positive or greater than GND-0.3V. The other issue is that the MMZ1608 has a large variance in impedance, ranging from ~0 to 500 ohms of impedance. Depending on how closely your ferrites input impedances are matched, this could present accuracy issues. Usually for input filters we recommend resistors of 10 ohms or less with a low tolerance (1% or better).
  • Hi

    Thanks your comment Patrick-san.

    I'll change design this solution.

    Thank you