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TLV2464: ty2464

Part Number: TLV2464


I ve got device tha works with car lambda-sensor, it works about 2 years, but now it brokes, i find burned TLV2464. I google it and find that it is very frrequent broke. Maybe the are bad scheme? Or maybe i should use voltage stabilizer?

And one more pleae, is there are any pin-to-pin analog in same tssop-14 body? TY2464 very hard to find

  • Hi Ruslan,

    Can you provide more information on your application and the input/output signals to the TLV2464? It is difficult to diagnose what is going on which such incomplete information.

    Regarding your request for pin-2-pin, I would look at the TLV9064PW - it's a better device all around.

  • It is popular device, innovate lc2, used with bosch wideband oxygen sensor. And very often this op amps burned, this is common problem for both innovate devices, lc-1 and lc-2.
    Measure signals will be difficult, now I've burned op amps)
    Now I change them once again and it works for some time.
    And what I noticed - before my device broke I noticed that this angle, where installed tlv2464 heats up.
    It is really common problem with burned amps, device scheme in my first message, in left side nothing interesting, just atmega64 controller.
    Tlv2464 used such as pid regulator.
    Ps. Excuse me for my English, it is not my native language
  • Hi Ruslan,

    It's possible that the Innovate LC1 and LC2 have a design issue that is killing these op-amps. It is unlikely that the op-amps themselves are the problem. Unfortunately, there really isn't much I can do to help debug this issue without further technical information.
