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Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models
Hi dear supporting team,
i have a problem with my circuit which you can see below. I already read that i can use the INA128 in single supply. My problem is that the INA128 don't gain my Signal from DMS like i expect and want it (gain = 100). After trying a couple of things and still no better result, i hope you can help me. Thanks a lot!
Hi Armand,
you should consider providing a reference voltage >0V to the REF pin of INA128:
Also, your load R2 = 15R is way too low ohmic. Something in the kOhm range would be fine.
Another cause for trouble could be the DMS itself. Some DMS can show a high imbalance causing a high offset voltage without any load.
At page 13 of the datasheet under the header "Typical Application". There's written:
"The output is referred to the output reference (Ref) terminal which is normally grounded. This must be a low-impedance
connection to assure good common-mode rejection. A resistance of 8 Ω in series with the Ref pin will cause a
typical device to degrade to approximately 80dB CMR (G = 1)."
Maybe i missunderstand it. Thank you two for your help.
Is it possible to download this software somewhere which you used to simulate the ina with my paramters?
Hi Armand,
I'm German, too!! Haha...
Dann wünsch ich Dir ein schönes Wochenende! :-)