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TINA/Spice/THS3491: THS3491 TINA model name is misspelled

Part Number: THS3491
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI, , THS4541, OPA837

Tool/software: TINA-TI or Spice Models

Good morning 

Sadly, my email server appears to be down - normally I would just email this to the right person (Hermann or John). But, instead

I notice again the Model name for the THS3491 shows instead "THD3491" . Easy to miss that with the focus on Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). 

However, the part and model should be THS3491. Easy to fix I would think. 

  • got into to contact with modeling via email, will get fixed
  • You bet Jacob, on that other topic of MFB filter design,

    Yes, that early app note I did had the cubic coefficients when you include the the op amp gain bandwidth incorrect -

    I had fixed that in building the online Intersil (now Renesas) active filter design flows and published in this planet analog article,

    I had used this improved flow for the design using the THS4541 in this TI Design,

    Over recent years, I improved the fit algorithms and updated this design in this article,

    One of my recent changes was to increase the target for the minimum LG to 18dB from 12dB. The Gain Bandwidth margin question most rationally is a min LG target question. Around Fo, the LG finds a minimum where gain error, and more interesting, peak close loop output impedance occurs.

    Just using a high rule of thumb is less useful as the real issue is min LG. Then, to consider that outside the context of a reduced noise gain peaking RC solution flow is missing the point. I had been using an allowed 12dB min, but, with the emerging RR output devices with their higher open loop output impedance, showed that might be too low. In a burst of work Oct 2018, I did find some filters with 12dB min using the OPA837 where moving off match due to a peaking in the closed loop output impedance. So, rather than try to account for that (where the industrywide models for open loop output impedance are erratic at best), I moved my min target up to 18dB.