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LMH6715: Matching performance

Part Number: LMH6715
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2694, OPA2837

Hi E2E,

Good day.

We received a query from our customer and would like to request for your support. Here is the inquiry:

"LMH6715 is given as an "Improved Replacement for CLC412". In the CLC412 datasheet we could find quantitative data for the "typical DC matching specifications" (DVio = ±0.60mV, Dlbn = ±0.25μA, Dlbi = ±1.5μA) and a graph of "Typical DC Errors Mismatch vs. Temp". Can you please provide these details for LMH6715? Ideally could you share statistical distributions of these parameters within a device and between devices of the same lot?"

Thank very much in advance.


  • Well I did that CLC412 datasheet, little more ambitious on specs those days - there are other alternates as well to this LMH6715 device - I also did the OPA2694 data sheet which is very similar and those matching specs are there. 

    It is however quite a bit faster, on lower power. 

  • More generally, 

    1. The CLC412 has been gone for decades - are they really still using it in production? How? 

    2. Normally these questions are looking for dropins, and the OPA2694 is an option showing typ channel mismatch

    3. It was a little odd to add those specs to these parts as CFA devices are pretty poor DC precision wise to begin with

    4. Channel DC matching specs are more common in dual VFA devices - but still pretty rare to get much data (I had intended to put detailed data in the OPA2837, but that dropped by the wayside)

    5. Surely there are some newer dual VFA that might do the required AC performance and have intrinsically better DC matching (even if not specified)

    6. With a schematic and performance requirements, much more can be done with the vast range of duals introduced since the LMH6715 and OPA2694 introductions.