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MULTI-CAL-SYSTEM: Installer Issues with LabVIEW Already Installed

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA309

I'm having trouble using the MULTI_CAL_PGA309 installer. I get to the following point and then cannot continue past this:

Since this computer already has the NI software installed, is there any way to install the software without the installer, or to skip installation of the NI components?

  • Hi Avinash,


    Since this computer already has the NI software installed, is there any way to install the software without the installer, or to skip installation of the NI components?


    Since the LV Installer is compiled this way, there are no ways to skip installation of NI components. The GUI is looking for these versions of NI drivers when the executable is running. 

    I believed that the installer will only install the latest drivers, if it is not present in the PC. It may even keep both drivers available, if the installer found older drivers on the current PC (I recalled). Here are the lists of NI drivers that the Multi_Cal_PGA309 Installer is called out, see the image below. If the NI drivers in your current PC is different from the list, it may not run properly. 

    Alternatively, if you do not want to disturb your current working PC software setup, you may find another PC or laptop, and install the software on it. 



  • It seems like the photo did not attach to my post, but this is what i'm seeing:

    The versions i already have installed are newer than what the TI installer is trying to install...


  • Hi Avinash,

    That is what I am afraid of. Yes, the PGA309 Installer will not install under your PC system environment, because NI installer does not allow to override newer versions of drivers. I think that your PC is installed with higher version of Labview OS than the PGA309 Installer was compiled under. Here are the two options. 

    1. Find another laptop or PC without Labview installed, Run the Installer on the PC. This will definitely work. 

    2. Uninstall the current application or Labview OS, and run the PGA Installer on the PC. I really do not like this option, since it takes a long time to reinstall Labview OS (no as long to uninstall or reinstall another NI application GUI). So I am highly recommending the option 1. 

    When you complete the PGA309 installation in option 1, you may copy the GUI folder to Option 2 PC, which there is a chance that it may run. However, the NI drivers' and file I/O paths have to be identical to the PC in option 1. You need a labview programmer to do this, if you want to try this approach. It can be painful if the GUI is unable to find the required drivers. Therefore, I am recommending the option 1. 

    If you need further assistant, please let us know. 



  • Raymond,

    Understood.  I am a LabVIEW developer . Would it be possible to get the source code LabVIEW project that this was created in and recompile the entire installer using the NI drivers that are currently on my system?  Would there be any issue with doing this?



  • Hi Avinash,

    I did not develop the GUI, but I will ask. I would say that this option may not be likely. 

    What LV OS version do you use? I am not sure that we have LV developer that can recompile the PGA309 code, and release it in a timely manner. Your best path is the option 1 that I suggested. 




  • Thanks. 

    I am using LabVIEW 2017.  What is the link to the Multi-cal-PGA309 source code - i'll need it either way as we'll be developing a semi-custom program as well.

  • Hi Avinash,

    Can you send me a message through a friend request via E2E forum? I am going to send you the previous LV source code, so that you can compile the GUI in your end. 



  • Hi Avinash,

    I have obtained the LV source code you requested. Please contact me and I will send the source code to you via internal email. 



  • Raymond,

    Thank you so much for this!  I've sent you a friend request and message.  Greatly sorry for the delayed response on this!