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LMV604: Request a scatter diagram of Input Offset Voltage

Part Number: LMV604


I received a reply to the scatter diagram of Input Offset Voltage from TI Customer Center as follows.


Nice to talk about this issue with you here.
Typical means the  +-1 sigma(68.27%) in Gaussian distribution. And max and min usually comes +-3 sigma or 4 sigma. That's to say if you have 100 pcs in hand, at least 68 pcs,  are at within 0.7mV, and for others within 5mV.
Unfortunately, for this data only the Gaussian data is provided. Hope this could help you.

I Request a detailed scatter plot for 31.73% except +-1 sigma (68.27%).

Best regards.

  • Morning Louis, 

    I think what you are really asking for is what we call an input offset voltage histogram, Some groups have migrated to providing these type of plots in new products where drift information is also provided. The LMV604 does not appear to have these plots, but at least the production test data would give you the approx 25C offset distribution - it is out there somewhere, just usually hard to get hold of. There would not be any drift info I would suspect. 

    This I think is what you are looking for in a more recent product introduction

  • Louis,

    The typical value for offset voltage that should be the +-1 sigma (68.3% of population) at room temperature. The application design should work acceptably with a 5mV offset device.  The data sheet limits for offset voltage include the full temperature range for the LMV604. I do not have a histogram for this device and I'm not sure what the second axis would be in a scatter plot.