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LMH6554: Input refeered noise vs frequency

Part Number: LMH6554

Hello everybody,


I am working with the LMH6554 for quite a while now and I am investigating the noise performance of our circuit at the moment. Is there more data available concerning input referred current noise and input referred voltage noise? The data sheet only contains one value for f=10MHz each. Are there more information for f ranging from 10^5 to 10^9 Hz?


Best regards,



  • Well kind of an odd ommission in the datasheet, no spot noise plots for this current feedback FDA

    Well lacking bench data, the TINA model might show something - here is a quick noise gain of 11 sim, mainly input voltage noise (to extract both voltage and current noise is a bit more involved), the transistor level model is showing 1/f region and a rolloff at higher F that is just bandlimiting in the amplifier itself I suspect, this is 1.16nV input referred,