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LMH6502 / EVM for TSSOP package

Guru 20090 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH6502, LMH730033
Are there the EVM of LMH6502 TSSOP package ?
I can found the EVM of LMH6502 SOIC package only as LMH730033.
If there is the EVM of LMH6502 TSSOP package, please let me know.
Best Regards,
Ryuji Asaka
  • Hello Ryuji,

    If it is not on the web there is no TSSOP version available.  For this part the performance of the TSSOP and SOIC package versions should be indistinguishable.   This does not mean that there is no difference between the packages, but rather that any differences due to packages is less than the normal variations that occur between parts in the same package. 

    Is it possible to use the SOIC version of the evaluation board? 


  • Hello Loren san,
    Thank you for the prompt reply.
    I will proceed SOIC version of the evaluation board.
    Best Regards,
    Ryuji Asaka