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OPA855: How to stabilize a second stage OPA855 summing amplifier to gain less than 7?

Part Number: OPA855
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA838

We have this second stage summing amplifier with OPA855, which is not stable for gains < 7V/V.

The first stage is a gain 7 OPA855 amplifier that works fine. Is there a way to stabilize it for gains between 1 and 3 using noise shaping techniques with the input and feedback capacitors?

  • Morning Daniel, 

    There is of course a way to do that, but -

    If all your source (L1C2 to L8C2) are on and showing low impedance looking back, is not your Noise Gain 1+ (453/(453/8)) or a noise gain of 9V/V. Should be ok , it would seem. 

    However, there is a technique I wrote up many years ago and use all the time to shape noise gain (tuning phase margin) for decomp op amps using a feedback cap and cap to ground on the inverting input pin - if you need it. 

    If you need it, the original article was rebuilt some years back and appears here - 

    I used it here in this more recent article as well - 

    And then in each of the decomp amp datasheets I have done, I try to included a simplified discussion of using this - look at the OPA838 datasheet. 

  • Incidentally, if you are in fact running at a noise gain of 9V/V with all channels active, the 8GHz OPA855 should show about 8GHz/9 = 888MHz BW for each channel. This will of course bandlimit you if your gain of 7 OPA855 preceding this is running about 2.5GHz. I have not been including the effect of that feedback C yet, but that would impact the overall bandwidth and possibly stability as well.