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Suitable Op-amp

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7332


 I have a case number with CS0364874. The case is as below;

I need the voltage follower but it should be fast response. Our input signal can be very low such as 20mV. In the transceiver, the input signal depends on the distance, so it would be small when increasing the distance.

we want to invert the signal from negative to positive. In other words, -100mV pulse signal converts to the +100mV pulse signal.

By the way, our input signal between 20-150kHz, so inverting op amp should work within these frequency.

We checked over the LM7332, and we do not have to use dual input. We need single input/output op amp. When we saw the response time, it is a little bit slow. We are planning to use op amp for lidar system. Therefore, it should be fast response time. Every ns is important for us. It helps us to convert the signal from negative to positive. Maybe the frequency of the signal is approximately 100 kHz, but the duty cycle is around 0.1- 0.01%. Converting the signal (with gain = 1) is precise as far as possible. We are waiting your response.

Can you suggest suitable Op-amp for our design?

Best Regards,

Ozancan Uğur

  • How large can be signal be, and how fast must the edges be, i.e., what slew rate do you need? 0.01 % of 100 kHz is 1 ns. (The LM7332 has a slew rate if 12 V/µs = 12 mV/ns, which is probably too slow.)

    What error (offset voltage) can you afford?

    Here is a search for unity-gain stable voltage-feedback opamps with a slew rate of at least 1 V/ns and an offset voltage of at most 5 mV.