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AICPUREPATH_STUDIO: Two Different Sample Rates



I am using PurePath Studio to set up the miniDSP on the TLV320AIC3262. My set up includes having a speaker on the DAC and two microphones on the ADC. I need to do noise filtering on the microphones using the noise reduction filters and a microphone beamformer. My speaker would ideally be able to play various sounds using the SRS WowHD block. Below is my flow:

I have an issue when trying to do this flow. The noise filtering blocks (noise reduction filters and beamformer) will only work with an 8 kHz sample rate (see below for the noise reduction filter help page). However, the SRS WowHD block only builds at sample rates of 32 kHz or greater (see below for the output of trying to build the SRS WowHD with a sample rate of 8 kHz).

My question is, would I be able to run the ADC and DAC at different sample rates in Purepath Studio? I know that I can set the clock divider values to different things in the clock configuration registers to set the ADC Fs to 8 kHz and the DAC Fs to 48 kHz. However, I cannot figure out how to get the sample rates in Purepath Studio to work with a sample rate of 8 kHz for the miniDSP_A and 48 kHz for the miniDSP_D.

