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EVM can't connect GUI PPC2

Part Number: PCM5242RHBEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3070

Hi Team,

   We have a PCM5242EVM, and we can connet PPC2 before.  After we debug PCM3070EVM, We can't connect PCM5242EVM with PPC2.  Such as indicate below picture, how can we recover the connect ? thanks


  • Hi Aggil,

    Can you confirm that only the PCM5242EVM is connected to the computer? (the PCM3070EVM should be disconnected). Does that work?

  • Any updates?
  • Hi Paul

        There is no other EVM connected to the computure. And we try some other  computure,  it is the same result. We can't find the reason. Does the EEPROM damage ?

  • Hello,

    I have the same problem:

    but I don't know why nobody answers me.

    It is a problem in the EEPROM and having the data contained in the EEPROM we would have solved these problems.

    It's simple, with a microcontroller we could write the correct content in the eeprom.

    Best Regards,



  • Hi Davy
    thanks, but we don't have correct content, how we get them ?
  • Hi Aggil,

    only Texas can supply the content of the EEPROM.
    They are only 32byte that should be write at: 0xA8 - 0x1F - 0xE0
    I try to ask them this information, but I didn't receive any reply yet.
    I hope that someone can help us.

    Best Regards,
  • Hi Davy and Aggil,

    I think this is still two different problems.


    Basically, all the FWID does is let the PPC software know which EVM is connected.  The issue that seems to be occuring is that the wrong ID is being read by PPC2.  I assume this could happen in one of 3 ways - 1. there is another board connected to the system and it's FWID is being read, 2. the EEPROM was re-written on accident by the PCM3070EVM software, or 3. the wrong FWID was written in the factory.  

    When did you purchase the EVM? Has that specific piece of hardware ever been used by you before with PPC2 where the FWID error did not occur?  

    If the EVM has previously worked, then that rules out 3.  Number 1 is also easy to rule out - but you could verify that you do not have the PCM3070 still plugged into a USB hub or something - this has happened to me many times! I have 20 EVMs at my desk!

    So I suspect that while using the PCM3070 software, you still had the PCM5242EVM connected, and then somehow wrote over the FWID.  I test this in the lab and wrote a procedure to change the FWID back to the PCM5242EVM ID.  I have attached it below.  

    How to program the FWID.docx

    Please let me know if this solves the problem.



  • Davy,

    Looks like the folks on the TAS team haven't responded yet. I do not know exactly what the issue is on your configuration, but I think it is an issue with either (or both) of the FWID for the motherboard and the TAS evm are not correct. I am not sure what the FWID needs to be exactly or how to program both of them. While we wait to see if the TAS team gets back to you, I will order the TAS5756MEVM and see if I can get to the bottom of that as well.

  • Hi Paul,

    thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I have a problem with the FWID. It's very easy for me to rewrite it with my microcontroller.

    The EEPROM location is 32bytes and I know the first 23bytes: FWID_TAS5754-56MDCAEVM

    The remaining bytes should be dedicated to a control code that don't allow me access to PPC2.

    Thanks very much for your support.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Paul,

    I try to follow your procedure, but at step 6 I have a problem. The FWID button is grey and I can't change the FWID.


    Best Regards,
  • Hi Davy,

    I think the issue with your system is that the motherboard FWID is also not what PPC2 is expecting. I have ordered the motherboard and daughter card, I hope that when I get them I can find what the FWID needs to be for both of them. I did not expect that procedure to work in your system.

  • Hi Davy,

    What I was planning on trying when I receive the hardware is to set the FWID for the PurePath Console Motherboard and TAS5756MEVM to be the values TI describes in the TAS5754/6M EVM user's guide.

    I believe that you have set the EVM EEPROM to the correct value, can you try setting the motherboard's EEPROM as well?  The address is different as the A2 pin on the MB is set low. (Address =0xA0 on the motherboard, 0xA4 for the daughter card).  



  • Hi Paul
    We get the EVM form your colleague last year, it is normal at first.
    I try your step and the result is the same as Davy: At step 6 I have a problem. The FWID button is grey and I can't change the FWID.
  • Hi Paul
    We the EVM form your colleague last year. it is normal at first.
    I try your step and get the same result as Davy: at step 6 I have a problem. The FWID button is grey and I can't change the FWID.
  • Hi Paul,

    I can't set the motherboard FWID with PPC2. 

    The FWID button is grey even without the daughter card.

    The FWID of the Motherboard is: 

    F (0x46) + ACK
    W (0x57) + ACK
    I (0x49) + ACK
    D (0x44) + ACK
    P (0x50) + ACK
    U (0x55) + ACK
    R (0x52) + ACK
    E (0x45) + ACK
    P (0x50) + ACK
    A (0x41) + ACK
    T (0x54) + ACK
    H (0x48) + ACK
    - (0x2D) + ACK
    C (0x43) + ACK
    M (0x4D) + ACK
    B (0x42) + ACK
    E (0x45) + ACK
    V (0x56) + ACK
    M (0x4D) + ACK
    - (0x2D) + ACK
    R (0x52) + ACK
    E (0x45) + ACK
    V (0x56) + ACK
    G (0x47) + ACK
    '0' (0x00) + ACK
    '0' (0x00) + ACK
    p (0x70) + ACK
    R (0x52) + ACK
    '0' (0x00) + ACK
    '128' (0x80) + ACK
    '192' (0xC0) + ACK
    '0' (0x00) + NAK

    If I rewrite FWID (FWIDCCB_1-U) with my microcontroller, how should I set the remaining 21 bytes?


    Best Regards,


  • Hi Davy,

    When I connect the PPC MB with the TAS5756 daughter card, I get a similar message, but I can still use the "connect as" option. Once connected, I can enter new FWID without an issue.

    One thought I would like to confirm with you - are you supplying the external PVDD voltage when you connect the EVMs? The motherboard and daughter card both rely on the external PVDD voltage to generate the supplies for the EEPROM and must be connected for the EVM to operate.

    Please verify that,
  • Hi Aggil,

    It is my understanding that the FWID should not be grayed out if any EVM is connected. Are you confident that the EVM is in working condition? When you executed step 3, was the pop-up message the same as the one I have in the picture?

  • Hi Paul,

    yes the daughter card has its external PVDD voltage.

    Please can you tell me the 32bytes content of the EEPROM at address 0xA9 - 0x1F - 0xE0?

    I think I have a problem with my EEPROM and I need to rewrite it.

    Thanks very much.

    Best Regards,


  • Aggil and Davy,

    I have attached a tool that we use to write the FWID and other EEPROM Data.  Unzip the files and launch FWID_Tool.exe.  Make sure that PPC2 is not running.

    For the PCM5242EVM.  Connect the EVM to the PC with the USB Cable.  In the FWID_Tool program, enter all the fields exactly as you see in the image below.  Then press the Write button.  Close the tool and launch PPC2, you should not be able to use the EVM.


    Follow the same steps as Aggil, but you need to do the procedure twice.  Both the CMB and TAS boards need to be connected and powered with USB and the external supply on the TAS. 

    First, enter these values exactly and press Write:

    Then, change the address to 0xA8 and enter these values exactly and press Write:

    Close the FWID tool and launch PPC2.  You will still get a notification to 'connect as TAS...' but it should allow you to use the tool.

    Please let me know if this works.  If it does not, then I suspect you have a hardware problem that is not allowing the software to read the TAS EEPROM.



  • Hi Paul,


    Thanks very much! It works :D :D :D

    Thanks again, I'm very happy!! :)

    Best Regards,


  • Great to hear!
  • Thank you . it can rework now.