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PCM1862: Can't connect to PPC2 - "Device found has unexpected FWID"

Part Number: PCM1862
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , PCM1865

Hi team,

I'm working with PCM1862EVM and the I2X board and having trouble getting PPC2 to connect. Initially, my problem was getting stuck on the "search for target" screen when first starting the program. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program, and now when it first starts, I get this message: Device found has unexpected FWID [FWIDUSB-I2X]. I select Connect as PCM186x, and it seems to connect as PCM1865/4, not PCM1862. Then, when I go to the registers tab, the program freezes with the "reading registers" message.

Based on a couple e2e threads I found while trying to debug this, I removed anything that might have been holding the i2C bus, but the problem persists. I tried to read/write the FWID under the Direct I2C Read/Write tab, but the Read button does do anything.

Is there anything else I can try/explore?

