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LMK62A2-200M: Enable Pull-up / Datasheet typo

Genius 16485 points
Part Number: LMK62A2-200M

Hi all

Referring to below feedback from a customer it seems the Datasheet is somewhat misleading:

OE 1 LVCMOS Output enable (internal pullup). When set to low, output pair is disabled and set at high impedance.

Should this read: OE should be connected to VCC to enable the device ?

Please clarify.

Best regards



We fitted the oscillator LMK62A2-200M in a new board we built. We left OE pin 1 not connected because the datasheet says that there is an internal pullup. However with pin 1 floating there is no output. When we pull OE to 3.3V the oscillator output is active. Is this a known issue? Is there a mistake on the datasheet or there is something else wrong with our board?