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Hello Guys,
Good day.
According to our customer single-ended AC coupled inputs in the LMK04828 evaluation module (SNAU145B-May 2013 - Revised march 2018) uses the negative input for OSCin_N and CLKin_N instead of the positive leg _P. Is the "inverted" input connection necessary or using the _P inputs for these single-ended signals also acceptable?
Also, just like to confirm if the OSCin inputs in AC coupled single ended config can be driven by a 3.3V signal?
Thanks and regards,
They can use the positive leg _P for either input. OSCin uses only _N input because the VCXO manufacturer frequently alternates between 6-pin footprints and 4-pin footprints in the same package, and OSCin_N is connected to the output pin that is always present. CLKin1_N choice was arbitrary.
OSCin maximum single-ended AC-coupled signal swing is 2.4V. The OSCin buffer is slightly different design from the CLKin buffers. Signal swing in excess of these limits can compress the input stage and increase the close-in phase noise.
If driving with a 3.3V source e.g. LVCMOS is required, it is recommended to use a resistor divider to reduce the signal swing. For instance, R4 and R61 on the EVM form a divider which attenuates the ~3V LVCMOS output of the VCXO to around 1V.
Derek Payne
Thanks for looking into this Derek.
Customer have additional inquiries
"If the CLKin or OSCin inputs are not resistor divided to lower the voltage and left at 3.3V, AC coupled single-ended, is there concern for damaging / overstressing the LMK's input or drawing excessive current? Or increased phase noise is the "only" concern? Can it be quantified how much worse the phase noise gets?"
Thanks and regards,
Good day Derek.
Just like to update on the follow-up inquiries from the customer.
Best regards,
Thanks for the reminder ping, for some reason I wasn't notified on this thread.
There's a few effects that can happen, depending on the voltage excursion beyond recommended range and the slew rate of the signal:
The limits in the datasheet are specified for a reason, and the customer should try to follow them.
Derek Payne