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LMK01020: Termination of unused clock input

Part Number: LMK01020


My question is what options / how to properly terminate the unused differential clock inputs of the LMK01020.

In our design, we use several LMK01020 devices,

  • The master LMK01020 uses both CLKIN0 and CLKIN1 differential inputs. To be more precise, CLKIN0 is feed with a single ended oscillator AC coupled to CLKIN0P and a 100 nF capacitor from CLKIN0N to GND. Is that correct? The other input CLKIN1 is feed with a differential oscillator (AC coupled).
  • Second level LMK01020 receive a clock signal from the master LMK01020. In this second level, the differential clock signal is AC coupled to CLKIN0, however we don't plan to use CLKIN1. How should we terminate the CLKIN1P/N input pins? In the forum, for similar parts, I have read that we should terminate each input pin with a 1k resistor to GND. Other possibilities are connecting each pins with a 100 nF capacitor to GND or leave both pins floating?

Thanks for your nice support,

Jose Jimenez