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LMX2572LP: IDT 5V9885 replacement

Part Number: LMX2572LP


To replace IDT 5V9885 by LMX2572LP, we are running some case of simulations on TICS pro.

Target EE is video system, it is required 74.25MHz and 74.25/1.001=74.175824175824200MHz output to cover TV monitor filed clock and PC display filed clock from 27MHz reference input.

In the case of IDT 5V9885, divider setting is 27MHz x 160 / 58.24 =  74.175824175824200MHz

LMX2572LP case, closest frequency is 27MHz x 4 x (43+ 4106177524 / 4294967295) /64 =74.175824175906200MHz

This fractional type divider could not create punctual 1/1.001 ratio from 74.25MHz.

Would you give us idea to meet this requirement ? Should we change PLL device selection?


