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TPL5110: TPL5110 Control DELAY/M_DRV by two ways

Part Number: TPL5110


May I control DELAY/M_DRV pin (pin 3) by two ways (manual switch or signal)?
If I can do it, how I need to design the circuit?

I want to control it by two ways as shown below to turn on the P-MOS.

1. Manual switch
2. Signal from ATSAMD21G18.

P-MOS need to turn ON every 1 hour, however the P-MOS turn ON every 10 minutes in this circuit.

  • Hi There,

    What is the impedance of the PA23 pin? If it is not high-Z, then the equivalent resistance at DELAY pin will be smaller. As a result, the time interval becomes shorter.

    if you do not sure the impedance, try add a diode between the MCU and the DELAY pin.


  • Thank you for your reply.
    I'll try your advice soon.

    It seems to tha the cause of this problem is that PA23 pin is connected directly to DELAY pin.
    Because this system works fine if the PA23 pin is not connected to the DELAY pin.

    Therefore, I consider the tips provided to you to be very effective.

    Thank you.