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TPL5010: TPL5010

Part Number: TPL5010


Hi. I'm Jussi Hakulinen from Finland.

My aim is to use TPL5010 as watchdog for Linux system,

Is it possible to use two separate timebases? For example first 60sec timeout for program loading and then normal operation 2sec timeout.

When program starts to run (within 60sec) then connect a shunt resistor for 2 sec timebase.

My question is: Does it work properly?

App schematics attached.

BR. JussiTPL5010.pdfTPL5010.pdf

  • Hi Jussi,

    Time interval change cannot be done "on the fly". Time interval is determined during POR period. 

    If you want to change the time interval after program loading, you can change the resistor value using the WDS control then do a power cycle to the TPL device. 

  • TPL5010-1.pdf

    Many thks.
    Is the following case possible? To use two pcs of TPL5010. Very economical and flexible component.
    Remarks (schematic attached):
    1) For watchdog timer use - can the WAKE signal be unconnected? No need in WDT use. The TPL5010 datasheet says "The DONE signal resets the counter of the watchdog only"
    2) After POR Q3 is in OFF state - only U9 is "active" during Linux loading -100sec timeout.
    3) When the app program starts, one DONE (WDI) pulse to confirm to reset counter of both TLP's.
    4) Then WDI to logic "1" - Q4 to ON state - U15 is "active" - 2sec timeout.
    5) WDI pulse every second as normal WDT to both TPL's.


    BR Jussi

  • NOTE !!!   4) Then WDI to logic "1" - Q4 to ON state - U15 is "active" - 2sec timeout. - - - - -  WDI is wrong - must be WDS

  • Hi Jussi,

    I will close this post and reply on the other post.