LMX2820: jitter degradation vs f_pfd

Part Number: LMX2820
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04832


Question: what is the LMX2820 output jitter degradation if I have a rather low pfd frequency such as 10_MHz?

For contrasting examples, the two examples below have similar VCO & output frequencies but substantially different pfd frequencies;

i.e. f_pfd= 10_MHz vs 320_MHz.

Two questions:

a. is there is a curve showing jitter degradation vs f_pdf around the region of f_pfd=10MHz?

b. is there is a curve showing the jitter degradation versus loop bandwidth with a low f_pfd frequency such as 10MHz?

input = 640MHz
PFD = 10MHz
VCO = 10070MHz
output = 2517.5MHz
input_divider = 64
feedback_divider= 1007
output_divider = 4
f_out = 640 /64 * 1007 /4= 2517.5 MHz
f_pfd = 10070 / 1007 = 10 MHz

input = 640_MHz
PFD = 320_MHz
VCO = 10240_MHz
output = 2560_MHz
input_divider = 2
feedback_divider= 32
output_divider = 4
f_out = 640 /2 * 32 /4= 2560_MHz
f_pfd = 10240 / 32 = 320_MHz

- samuel.stewart@ngc.com

  • Hi Samuel,

    The main drawback of using a low input clock freq, as you know, fpd is also low. As a result, N-divider becomes big. This increases the PLL noise by 20log(N). You cannot enjoy the low FOM of the LMX2820 device.

    The other downside of using low input clock freq is that, if it is a sine wave clock, slew rate of the clock is bad and this in turn hurt the PLL noise.

    The last problem with low input clock freq is, your loop bandwidth cannot be high. Therefore, you cannot use the loop filter to suppress inband VCO noise. 

    You can use PLL Sim (https://www.ti.com/tool/PLLATINUMSIM-SW) to estimate the overall phase noise difference between these two configurations. 

  • Hello Noel,

    In the two examples, the input clock is not really that low: oscin_p/n= 640_MHz.

    The max for oscin_p/n is 1400_MHz.

    But, the pfd frequency is fairly low in example 1, 10MHz, versus 320MHz in example 2.

    For example 1, feedback_divider=1007, so 20*log(1007)=60.060589_dB increase in PLL noise.

    > The last problem with low input clock freq is, your loop bandwidth cannot be high.

    >  Therefore, you cannot use the loop filter to suppress inband VCO noise. 

    Question: I presume that you mean pfd frequency, not oscin_p/n frequency?

  • Hi Samuel,

    I overlooked your question, I though you were using a 10Mhz fosc, so fpd will be same or doubled. 

    Right, loop bandwidth depends on fpd not fosc. In this case, if you use 10MHz fpd, loop bandwidth will be limited, N-divider is big so PLL noise is high. 

  • Hello Noel,

    OK, so in my example-1, the PLL noise is high, so the jitter on the output will be high.

    Would you know how to translate the noise into a jitter value for example-1?

    Let me ask a 2nd question: if I use two LMX2820 parts in series, then does the series combination reduce the jitter?

    Below is an example where

    -  the 1st pll has f_osc=640MHz

    -  the 1st pll outputs 760MHz which goes to the osc input of the 2nd pll

    -  the 2nd pll outputs f_out=2517.5MHz:

    So the f_pfd of the 1st pll is 320MHz, & the f_pfd of the 2nd pll is 190MHz.

    (note: in below example, N= iNput divider, M=Multiplier=feedback_divider, O=Output_divider)

    EXAMPLE_3: f_out= 2517.5 MHz
    1. PLL1
        REFCLK= 640.000000000000_MHz
        ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- ------- -------
        320.000000 6080.000000 760.000000 0.00000000% 2 19 8 
        160.000000 9120.000000 760.000000 0.00000000% 4 57 12 

    2. PLL2
        REFCLK= 760.000000000000_MHz
        ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------- ------- -------
        190.000000 10070.000000 2517.500000 0.00000000% 4 53 4

    For a two PLL series combination, would you know whether two LMX2820 parts in series is preferred, or should I instead use a LMK04832 (or LMK04714) followed by a LMX2820? Some of TI's parts incorporate 2 PLLs internally in a single part.

  • Hi Samuel,

    Jitter is calculated from the integration of phase noise over a dedicated bandwidth. If we have the phase noise plot, then we can calculate the jitter.

    For the other questions/examples, let's put it this way. What is your target phase noise from LMX2820?

    For example, with 640MHz input clock (assuming it is noiseless), you can expect below phase noise or jitter from LMX2820.

  • Hello Noel,

    In my example, I have two LMX2820 devices in series: the output of the 1st goes to the input of the 2nd. 

    Both set C3=1.5nF.

    The 1st has osc_input=640MHz, output=760MHz (output jitter=35.93_fs_rms from PLLatinum_Sim).

        N(input)_div=2, M(Multiplier=feedback)_div=19, O(Out_div)_div=8, f_pfd=320_MHz; f_out=760_MHz;

    The 2nd has osc_input=760MHz, output=2517.5MHz (output jitter=36.73_fs_rms from PLLatinum_Sim).

        N(input)_div=4, M(Multiplier=feedback)_div=53, O(Out_div)_div=4, f_pfd=190_MHz; f_out=2517.5_MHz;

    The question is: does the PLLatinum_Sim tool allow the user to set the jitter of the osc_input signal (in rms femto-seconds) in order to see the effect on the output jitter?

    Who would know how to do that?

    I also need to figure out how to set the output of the 1st pll to non-sine in order to crank up the slew rate (the parts on the board would be adjacent).

    Also, I could not figure out how to insert a jpg of the PllatinumSim output into this message.

    To answer your question: I was trying to get <100ppm of rms jitter (aka long term jitter).

    The output of the 2nd PLL above shows:

        jitter_rms_ppm= 36.73e-15 / (1/2517.5e6) * 1e6= 92.467_ppm

  • Hi Samuel,

    We can create a text file for input clock phase noise and then import it to PLL Sim so that we can get a more accurate sim result.

    An example text file:

    10 -75
    60 -100
    200 -100
    1000 -109
    10000 -119
    100000 -128
    300000 -130
    500000 -135
    1000000 -141

    760MHz is divided down from the VCO, output format is therefore sine wave. 

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