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CDCE62005EVM: Windows 10 Driver Installation

Part Number: CDCE62005EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCE62005


I am trying to setup the software for the CDCE62005 EVM on my Windows 10 laptop and I am having trouble with the driver installation. 

After successfully installing the GUI, I am having trouble installing the driver as recommended in the User Guide. 

I connect the EVM to my computer via USB and Windows 10 does not recognize the device and lists it as an "Unknown Device" in the Device Manager. 

I then attempt to install the driver manually as recommended in the instructions. However, when I point Windows 10 to the Program Files folder associated with the EVM, it does 

not recognize any of the files in the Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\CDCE62005 EVM Software\Driver as drivers. 

Has there been a driver update to support Windows 10 for this part? 

If so, where can I access it?