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presently i'm using IC(cdcm6208).so i'm facing problem based upon I2C PROTOCOL and even configured according to ti data sheet but still i'm not getting clock cycles in output.
these are details what I configured
to activate I2C
mode0 is given to 3.3v
mode1 to ground
and two clocks are present
1.primary and secondary clocks.
in primary there are two
i.+(positive) given to 10mhz
ii.-(negative) is in floating
two signs are in floating
still i have to do anything or not
can any one help me.
1.To enable I2C we are configuring MODE0=3.3V AND MODE1=GND
2.To enable primary clock and secondary clock we have given 3.3v.
3.For primary clock positive pin we have given 10Mhz clock and negative pin not connected .
4.For secondary clock positive and negative pin are not connected.
5.Reset and PDN pin given to 3.3v .
6. sync pin is showing 3.3v
1.To enable I2C we are configuring MODE0=3.3V AND MODE1=GND
4..For secondary clock positive and negative pin connected to ground.
6. sync pin is showing 3.3v
and after that writing into all registers 6th BIT pin is made HIGH.