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I cannot program my LMK04816B Eval board. I am trying to do the quick start scenario in the manual using a USB2ANY adapter.
I have replicated the quick start scenario where I have a 122.88 MHz clock signal being input on CLKIn1.
I am monitoring CLKout6 to see what the resulting output frequency is. All I see out of it is a 122.88 MHz signal no matter what I attempt to program into it..
I have tried both CodeLoader4 and TICs Pro.
When I start up TICs Pro, I encounter the following error:
Conflicts exist between the following pins:
Pin J4-8: GPIO(GPIO5) conflicts with SPI(SOMI)
I never see the Link Detect LED light.
I can do the same exercise with a LMK04208 eval board and it works as expected. (Same power supply, same reference input, same output monitor.)
Any suggestions for things I can try?
Is there a problem with using the USB2ANY device to communicate to the LMK04816B eval board?
The LMK04816B board came with the parallel port adapter instead of the USB adapter. Is there an issue when using the USB adapter?
I noticed that the 2x5 header pin out that is on the LMK04208 is different than the one on the LMK04816B board. (Why would you do that?) One works while the other does not.
When I run the CodeLoader4, the pin out that associates with the LMK04816B matches the eval board's schematic. However, when I look at the signals coming from the adapter with a logic analyzer, they look like crap. (Which very well could be the logic analyzer.)
Thanks for posting on E2E. I have assigned your post to the responsible engineer. He will respond to you soon.
Kind regards,
Hello Doug,
The LMK04816 is an older board which used the CodeLoader software through LPT programming. This setup has a different pinout than required for USB2ANY.
We do have an interface board to convert from USB2ANY pin setup to the older LPT setup. The LPT setup was actually programmable, so different older boards have different pinouts. The interface board is called USB2ANY-uWIRE
I apologize for this inconvenience. I can see about the option to send you the USB2ANY-uWIRE board. Or I can check what the interconnect should be. You should need at minimum 4 lines. GND, DATA, CLK, and LE.
* Is manual jumpering something your up for?
* Sounds like you are currently able to use the CodeLoader software with the LPT cable to program the board?
Since all I need is 4 wires, I can set up something to map from the USB2ANY and the LMK04816B board.
Can you confirm the following mapping from the USB2ANY adapter to the LMK04816B board?
USB2ANY <---> LMK04816B
4 <-- Data --> 2
8 <-- Clk --> 4
2 <-- LE --> 6
6 <-- Grnd--> 9
Hello Doug,
Your pinout is correct. You can add if desired:
Note SYNC can be manipulated by programmed SYNC_POL_INV while keeping pin state fixed if you don't connect. Be aware that SYNC asserted will prevent output clocks.
USB2ANY Cable Pin <----> LMK04816B
9 <-- SYNC --> 1
1 <-- CLKin0_SEL --> 7
3 <-- CLKin1_SEL --> 5
After I made these changes I was able to communicate to the device.
Thanks for your help.
Great. Sorry for your troubles. We will be updating our EVM instructions to reflect this info.