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ADS1232REF: Firmware update

Part Number: ADS1232REF
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB3410



I'm testing the ADS1232REF with a basic labview program and the board behaviours not quite the expected way. For example:

- I'm able to communicate only on the USB position (SW9), and not on JTAG

- Uncoherent response when I send the read command "D" or “Q”

Those errors are not systematics, for hazardous reasons it works fine sometimes...

Is there a way to update the firmware? It might have been unproperly installed on the board.

  • Hi Jonathan,

    Welcome to the E2E forum!  There may be some misunderstanding on the usage of the ADS1232REF.  First of all does the LCD display light up when applying power to the board?  

    The SW9 switch is only selected for programming the MSP on the board.  For normal operation the switch must be in the JTAG position.  When in the USB mode, the only thing that is powered is the TUSB3410 used as a USB interface and the onboard MSP430.  You cannot use USB power to supply power to the ADS1232REF.  So you must provide external power to the ADS1232REF to get it to work.  This can be done using the barrel jack or with a 9V battery.

    Second thing to consider is the MODE switch must be in the ANALYSIS position to communicate using the COM port.  If the switch is in the SCALE position, you will not get good results and the behavior will be erratic as the SCALE mode is meant to be operated using just the board switches and LCD display.

    As to reprogramming the firmware, this is a very difficult process and the tools to do so are rather complicated to use.  First let's see if when applying the proper power and switch settings that the LCD display shows the version number and operates in that mode first.

    Best regards,

    Bob B

  • Thank you for your quick answer.

    I use a 9V power supply, and nothing lights up after plugging it. The LCD screen is switched up only after the serial COM initialization. Furthermore, I noticed that the board is actually able to drain power from the USB port and doesn’t need the power supply in my case.

    The MODE switch is on the ANALYSIS. But I keep the programming switch is on USB because nothing happens when it is on JTAG. It is almost as if they are inverted, but not completely because the LCD doesn't switch on only when applying power to the board.

    It doesn't come from the driver on m computer neither, because I'm able to communicate with the board and even get some responses. But the behaviour is not constant and I get sometimes weird ACSII characters or I get multiple responses with only one "D" command send.

  • Hi Jonathan,

    Apparently I was not clear in my previous post.  I refer you to the ADS1232REF user's guide and also the software from the ADS1232REF tools page.  The GUI software includes the driver for the TUSB3410 used as a virtual COM port on the ADS1232REF.  If you do not install the driver with the GUI, then you will need to manually install the driver from

    As I attempted to explain earlier, the USB position for SW9 does provide power to the board, but the USB is no longer isolated which can cause many issues with transients and additional noise from the USB voltage path.  Also the USB has limited power and can also be an issue if bridge sensors are connected that draw significant power.  The board was not designed to use the USB power except in the condition of programming the MSP430.  See this information on page 23 of the user's guide appendix:

    Control signals from the TUSB3410 can cause many difficulties.  So for proper operation you need to make sure that SW9 is in the JTAG position. This is the position the board was designed to operate.

    As to why the power has an issue when connecting to the battery there will be some troubleshooting required.  The most often cause is due to the connector J2 on the barrel jack connector.  If something is plugged into the connector the 9V battery connection to ground is broken as the connector opens the switch on the power jack.  Also, I have seen attempts where the wrong size barrel has been attempted to be placed into the jack opening and bending the switch.  Make sure that the switch is making good contact to ground.  See Figure 11 in the user's guide:

    There is also the possibility that SW9 may have a poor connection as well.  I would suggest troubleshooting at various test points as indicated on the schematics shown in the user's guide.  Once we have the power working as it should, we can go from there to work through the communications.

    Regarding the communications, the virtual COM port of the TUSB3410 can operate at many different baud rates, but the MSP430 can only operate at one baud rate, so the properties dialog for the COM connections must be set to as shown in the user's guide:

    Best regards,

    Bob B