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DAC3283EVM: maximum Input rate/clock frequency?

Part Number: DAC3283EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC3283


1. DAC 3283 datasheet says:

So it says that maximum Input data rate is 312.5 MSPS. Does this means that  Max. DATACLK frequency can be 312.5 MHz. 

BUT test condition says that DATACLK frequency is 625MHz. So what is max. DATACLK freq? (I am assuming here that DATACLK frequency and the clock at which 8 bit data generated for DAC is same).

2. Does the DATACLK freq should be half of the DACCLK frequency? 

  • Hello,

    The DAC3283 is a byte wide DDR interface. From plot below, it takes 2x DATACLK cycle for every completion of I/Q samples. With the I/Q rate of 312.5MSPS, this means 625MHz of DATACLK.

    The relationship of DATACLK vs. DACCLK depends on the interpolation that you have selected. See below for detail. 

    3718.DAC3282-3 Byte Wide DDR Clocking.pdf

  • Hi

    Thanks for the quick reply. this helps a lot to understand things.

    So, we have DATACLK= 307.2 MHz and If we generate a square signal, we are able to generate it with high time ~ 6.5ns ( i.e. half time period = 1/(2xDATACLK). as shown in below figure:

    FPGA Logic is something like:

    always @(posedge fpga_clk_mmcm)begin
    count <= 2'b00;
    data <= 8'h00;
    else if (count ==2'b00) begin

    data <=8'h7F ;
    count = count +1;
    else if (count == 2'b10) begin
    data <=8'h80;
    count = count +1;
    else count = count+1;

    BUT if we try to generate a square signal with high time ~ 3.25ns ( half time period = 1/DATACLK). Then there is no output from DAC.

    IS it because DAC need at least 2 DATACLK cycles to generate output ?

    Our requirement is to generate a square signal with high time ~ 4ns.

  • BUT if we try to generate a square signal with high time ~ 3.25ns ( half time period = 1/DATACLK). Then there is no output from DAC.

    IS it because DAC need at least 2 DATACLK cycles to generate output ?

    Our requirement is to generate a square signal with high time ~ 4ns.

    Correct. With 3.25ns of HI time, this translates to equivalent of 312.5MSPS, which is close to the max input data rate. At the input data rate side, you are essentially aliasing back to DC.

  • Hi 

    Thanks for the rely.

    So, 625 MHz is the maximum  DATACLK frequency that can be supported by DAC3283 for any Interpolation factor.

    Is this correct Understanding? 

  • For 2x interpolation with 625MSPS DAC rate, yes

    For 4x interpolation, the max DAC rate is 800MSPS, therefore, your maximum input DATACLK is 400MHz.