ADC12D1620QML-SP: Inner Column Specification

Part Number: ADC12D1620QML-SP


To Whom It May Concern,

Hope you're well.

Please allow me to submit following inquiry from the customer and will be grateful if you could kindly provide your knowledge.

<Inquiry from the customer>

We made a horizontal cut to check the soldering condition of the inner column.

Does this column consist of solder only?

TI_ADC12D1620QML-SP_Question for Inner column specifications.pdf

Thank you so much for your kind attention and consideration.

Kind Regards,

Yohei Kusachi

  • Hi Kusachi-san,

    I will try to find this information for you.

    Please give me a few days to respond.



  • The solder column is SnPb alloy with a Cu-wrapper.  If you are seeing bridging during re-flow then your temperature at the center of the package is too high.  If you need to run DOE on your process then you can make an order of ADC10D1000DAISY mechanical/daisy-chain version or the engineering model (EM or MPR) version of the ADC12D1620

  • Hello Kyle,


    Hope you’re well and thank you so much for your kind reply.


    I did receive an additional inquiry as below and as attached from our Japan team and hope you could kindly provide your knowledge.


    Is there an inner core with in the inner columns or the same material (SnPb alloy with a Cu-wrapper) are used without inner core?


    We will be grateful if you could kindly provide your knowledge.

    Thank you so much again for your kind support and warm consideration.

    Kind Regards,

    Yohei KusachiTI_ADC12D1620QML-SP_Question for Inner column specifications_A.pdf

  • These columns are constructed with a high-lead solder wire wrapped with copper ribbon then coated with solder.

  • Hello Kyle,

    Hope you're well and thank you so much for your kind reply.

    Please allow me to send an information kindly provided to our Japan team.

    Thank you so much again for all the kind support and warm consideration.

    Please have a great rest of your day.

    Kind Regards,

    Yohei Kusachi

  • Dear Yohei, please feel free to reach out to me via e-mail if you have any more concerns -

  • Dear Kyle,

    Good afternoon and hope you're well.

    Thank you so much for all the kind support and warm consideration.

    The customer is facing a problem mounting this device and seems like more inquiries are coming from our Japan team.

    We will be more than grateful if you could kindly provide your knowledge once I receive further inquiries.

    Thank you again and hope you will be having a great rest of your day.

    Kind Regards,

    Yohei Kusachi