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I have configurate the ADS7280 with the simple code below:


SEL_AD = 1;          //FS/CS
START_AD = 1;    // CONVST
SCK = 0;
SEL_AD = 0;
SDO = 1;
     SCK = 1;
     SCK = 0;

SEL_AD = 1;

This configution is for load CFR with default mode, but when I read the CFR I recieve this bites: 0x0DFC. I think that the result is wrong. but I dont know why.....

  • Hi Rodrigo,

    This looks like you are basically writing correctly to the device (data valid on falling SCLK, FS/CS = 0, CONVST = 1).  What happens when you pulse CONVST?  Does the BUSY signal go active?

  • Hi Tom,

    The ADS7280 do not have the Busy pin, but the pin EOC, when I put CONVST = 0 the EOC signal go low and go high after 1us, the duration of the CONVST low pulse, is 30us.



  • Right, EOC/INT - sorry 'bout that...  OK - so it sounds like the part is basically working.  Using the default register settings, you would be using the internal oscillator for the conversion clock and that would take about 800ns.  Can you try writing something other than the default register values and then attempt to read them back?  I'd be interested in knowing that you can properly write and read data.

  • Hi Rodrigo,

    Did you find the problem here?  Were you able to wrtie something other than the defaults and read them back properly?

  • Hi Tom,


    Sorry for take so long to answer.....The problem was the rise and fall time, because I was using a opto-coupler without a digital output....and this information is not present in the datasheet.


    Thanks for your help....


    Rodrigo (BRAZIL)