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DAC7678: Problem with Read Power Down Register

Part Number: DAC7678


I don't know if this question could be related to this one, but the datasheet is quite confusing on this matter.
I am trying to read out the power down status of each channel, with the read command described on Table 18.

Here is a dump of this register after the following steps :

Disabling all DACs with 100kΩ pull-down
Enabling DAC E
Enabling DAC C
Disabling DAC E with 100kΩ pull-down

It seems to me that the register only echoes back the last power command received.
Is it the expected behavior  ?


  • Hi Julien,

    Welcome to E2E and thank you for your query. Yes, it is an expected behavior. Logically speaking, there is no other way to retrive the data as this register actually serves multiple functions with embedded control bits PD1 and PD0. Due to this, only the last written value can be read back.

    Hope that answers your question.

    Uttam Sahu
    Applications Engineer, Precision DACs