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DLPC3479: DLPC3479/DLP4710: Is it possible to reduce off time between LSBs in 8-bit Internal Pattern Mode?

Part Number: DLPC3479
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLP4710, , DLP4710EVM-LC

Hello, I am currently using the DLP4710EVM-LC to evaluate the DLPC3479/DLP4710 for an upcoming product, and I have a question on how the mirrors are modulated during the last 3 or 4 bits in either 7 or 8 bit internal pattern mode: is it possible to reduce the periods of time the mirrors are off in between these bit exposures?

Here is a scope capture of a photodiode's output when looking at an all-white 7-bit image being projected. Negative values here indicate detected light. The red arrows point to the "inter-bit dark periods" I'm asking about.

A key aspect of my use-case is to project a lot of light in a fixed amount of time -- we are working on a higher current LED drive, but the mirrors being off for so long reduces the amount of light we can project in a given timeframe by about 25%: in the image above, each off period is ~142 us, and the total exposure time projecting is 1,644 ms. This results in ~26% of the display time not having light projected (not including pre or post dark times or pattern set load times).

Is that inter-bit dark period configurable, or is there another tactic for increasing the percentage of time the DLP is projecting during an exposure?



  • Matt,

    Are you suggesting here that you are specifically seeing a large amount of dark time during specifically the last couple of bits, or during all bits? Furthermore, are you operating in sensing mode or display mode?



  • Phillippe-

    I appreciate the quick response! 

    The first 4 bits are displayed continuously, while the last 3 (for 7-bit mode) or 4 (for 8-bit mode) bits have dark time in between them. I am operating in Internal Pattern streaming mode, which is a Light Control/sensing mode.

    Thanks again,


  • Hello Matt,

    Is this capture for one complete frame? Could you please also share details of configuration/parameters?



  • Hi Vivek-

    This capture is for one complete frame, yes. In the image I provided above, it is projecting an all-white 8-bit 1-D image with an exposure time of 1,677 ms. Only the blue LED is used. This capture was taken using the EVM's GUI tool to continuously project images. Here is a capture showing several frames as well as the PATTERN_READY and TRIGGER_OUT_2 signals:

    This same inter-bit dark time is present with 8-bit images, even at the maximum allowed exposure time of 4,168 ms:

    Let me know if there's more information needed -- I can send Saleae captures as well if that's more useful.



  • Hi Matt,

    Thank you for the information. We will look into your question and get back to you within the next few days. 

    Thank you!



  • Hello Matt,

    What is the firmware version you are using to do these experiments? Can you please re-do the experiments with the latest firmware (v8.x.x) available here -



  • Hello Mayank-

    I was using the most recent version, 8.1.0, but just to be 100% sure I updated the firmware on the dev kit. The firmware still reads 8.1.0, and the "inter-bit dark time" is still present exactly as the images in my previous posts show.

    Is there an even newer version of firmware I should be using?

    Thank you for your assistance!


  • Matt,

    I believe you have the latest firmware. We will need a few days before the team can advise on next steps.



  • Matt, 

    I am closing out this thread for now as it is being discussed offline, will add the resolution here once it is ready.

