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DLPC3479: Can DLPC3479 send a trigger out signal when internal pattern completes one time projection

Part Number: DLPC3479

Hi TI's Gays

I am a system engineer from Wintech which is TI' important third party

We have developed several products using TI's DLPC3479

Now we are developing new DLPC3479 device for AOI and SPI

Our 3D AOI device uses 4 DLPC3479 optical engines installed in four directions, for example represented by  A-B-C-D 

Four devices are working at internal pattern mode and free running mode

Each device will play once if geting start control command,for example W 36 9E 00 00, from IIC control interface

Four Trigger out2 signals, output from each device,  are connected together to trigger camera 

Four DLPC3749 devices project pattern image in turn, For example first from A to second B to third C to last D

So I run into a difficult problem , When should the next device be notified if the current device completes the patterns 

I add a MSP430 into the hardware system and MCU can send DLPC3479 command from IIC interface

Also, I have connected both four  DLPC3479 Trigger Out1 signals and Trigger Out2 to MCU GPIOs

What I want to know:

How can I change the function of Trigger Out1, to the status of completed patterns projection from the begining of the pattern set


How can I add another Trigger Out3, which will be sent out when all the patterns are projected

 The "TIRef-DLPC3479-DLPA3005-AC_Only-CurrentLimitsRemoved-BlueOnly-v8p1p001" and "TIRef-DLPC3479-DLPA3005-TIEVM-CurrentLimitsRemoved-v8p2p0"

DLPC3479 composer projects zipped files were shared with me from   Austin Snyder  and Arthur Brown

Could you share me app347x_dual_v4.4.0.bin file all-in-one source and I can modify the source code by myself


I have experience in modifying DLPC442x all-in-one source code, I think I have the ability to modify the API sound code of DLPC3479

Thank you very much

Best Regards
