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DLPLCRC900DEVM: JTAG Flash Programmer Not Working

Part Number: DLPLCRC900DEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC900,


I have a DLPLCRC900DEVM and trying to figure out to reload the bootloader. Thus, I followed instructions from Dual DLPC900 EVM User's Guide pages 57-59 ( and get the following error:


My JTAG Programmer connections are correct. I have checked them at least 10 times. Here is the picture of my setup:

In the above setup, you may notice that a jumper is installed at J10. I have tried without it and get the same error. 

I am using Windows 10 laptop with DLPC900REF-SW-5.1.0 bundle. 

Others have mentioned the same issue and tried what they suggested but the same issue persists:

This is what I have tired based on the feedback from the forums:

 -  Executed "Detect Chain" command many times as mentioned in the posts listed above

 - Tried powering down/up the dev kit and the JTAG programmer several times

 - Changed USB cable

 - Changed laptop

 - Uninstalled and reinstalled DLPC900REF-SW-5.1.0 bundle several times

 - Reinstalled FTDI driver

I will be tapping into the JTAG signals using an oscilloscope to solve this mystery. In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, please let me know. 

Any help is much appreciated. 




I made some progress and not getting the above error any more for dual controller operation. Now, I am getting the following error:

Any suggestions where this is coming from.

  • Out of curiosity, I unpopulated R112 and populated R111 on the DLPLCRC900DEVM dev kit for single controller operation. 

    When I execute the "Detect Chain" command, I get the following, which is really weird. I supposed to get just one DLPC900 controller, not 32 devices on the JTAG interface.

    Not sure what's going on. 

  • Paul,

    I would put the resistors back on R112 and remove R111.

    Try swapping the TDO and TDI lines on your setup.  The TDO from the programmer goes to TDI on the board and the same from the board back to the programmer.

    Let me know if that changes anything.


  • Hi Fizix, 

    The TDO/TDI lines' connection is correct in my setup. However, I ended up cleaning my setup (shortened the length of wires). This didn't solve the issue. 

    I found it to be a TCK signal integrity issue. Using FT_Prog Utility I changed the I/O slew rate (slow) and drive strength (4 mA) of FT232H chip. Now everything is working.

    This is what TCK looks like now just after J11

    Thank you so much for your feedback.  



  • Paul,

    Many thanks for giving us the feedback on this!  It will likely help others if they run into this issue.
